Market reform - federal politics

Rewiring Australia have a great list of demands in the submission they made to the Nov. 2024 senate enquiry. You can see their full submission here
Key points and recommendations

  1. Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council should commission an urgent,
    short, comprehensive review of energy market governance
  2. Electrification delivers the lowest cost energy system and enables the fastest
    emissions reduction so this should be reflected in how market bodies apply the
    national energy objectives.
  3. The emerging deep coupling of energy, transport and industry as well as the rise
    of consumer energy resources should be reflected by a “governance coupling” of
    energy to transport, industry and housing policy.
  4. A new agency that oversees energy and emissions data should be established.
  5. Households must be elevated in their representation in energy governance to
    reflect that they are investors, not just stakeholders and consumers.
  6. The role and economic regulation of DNSPs should be a particular area of reform
    and improvement
  7. The orderly shutdown of residential gas networks should be a clear priority
  8. Market reforms are aligned with policy reform to accelerate a fast and equitable
    transition for households.
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Yep, I agree with all of that!

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