What makes a good Book Club read?

Nick has suggested “We don’t want to be overly prescriptive but I think we need to be careful to avoid technocratic content (which tends not to promote discussion among anyone except practitioners). E.g. a 400 page textbook on pricing electricity derivatives would be technical - definitely not for a popular audience! But I would suggest that books should in particular have political or social implications (or at least an interesting story which a book on electricity derivatives certainly is not)”

I read lots (well I listen to them as audiobooks). I love evolutionary science as it applies to politics and psychology. I occasionally get drawn into historical “how this moment has been shaped by history” stuff and I read lots of economics. I will be suggesting the energy relevant options from these three disciplines as this discussion builds. I wonder if we need books that propose a way forward because much as we can debate conclusions of knowledgeable people, the real impact is if it changes how we act going forward…

Post your suggestions as a new topic in this category or join the discussion below with your thoughts on defining the energy nerds genre for this Book Club

Peter suggested something to attract a wider audience - like The Big Switch - I’ll make a post about it in #Bookstoconsider :grinning: